About New IPM: One Health


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is undergoing a rapid change as modern technologies such as electronic sensors, robotic crop inspectors and low-energy lighting are becoming normalised in the horticultural sector. Indeed, this ‘high-tech approach’ is not just reserved for protected crops as drone technology, satellite imagery and nutrient mapping are changing the way arable and fruit tree farmers approach problems by providing an almost unlimited level of detailed information that is helping the grower in new and exciting ways.

This symposium aims to recognise and disseminate the innovative programs that make up New IPM in today’s world and highlight the barriers to development and commercialisation. Too often, IPM discussions focus on singular aspects such as the role of beneficial arthropods or biopesticides. However at a practical level implementation of IPM relies on a matrix of receiving accurate, timely and appropriate information which is channelled to a properly trained decision-maker who, ultimately, has access to a pest-management toolkit that is fit-for-purpose. To make all of this happen, it requires a combined effort and the collaboration of industry, academia and the regulatory authorities.

This symposium will provide an opportunity for representatives from all of these stakeholders to communicate and build productive relationships that provide a launchpad for New IPM.

What is IPM?

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an ecosystem-based approach to solving pest problems whilst minimising risks to people and the environment.

Innovative examples using modern technologies include electronic sensors, robotic crop inspectors and low-energy lighting within the horticultural sector. This ‘high-tech approach’ is not just reserved for protected crops as drone technology, satellite imagery and nutrient mapping are changing the way arable and fruit tree farmers approach problems by providing an almost unlimited level of detailed information that is helping the grower in new and exciting ways.

Why you should attend New IPM: One Health symposium?

Our event aims to recognise and disseminate exciting new methods and highlight the barriers to development and commercialisation.

We offer a platform to bring together those involved in the agribusiness chain, to present and discuss new innovations and how they are being implemented in crop protection. It is a unique opportunity for industrialists and leading researchers to share approaches and experiences in this strategic domain.